the problem is those two properties that were taken from me, it was an investment for my self now i am sock with money to find a solicitor to take them to court, because i put all my money into these propertys,i really appreciat your concern that is what the mortgage company did to me
Answer by bdancer222
I don't understand your question. Did you invest in these two properties and fail to pay the mortgages? If you didn't pay the mortgages, of course they forclosed. The proceeds of the sale would pay off the loan first and if there was anything left, it would go to you.
Answer by STEVEN F
It SOUNDS like you did not pay your mortgage and they foreclosed on the property. If that is correct, any decent attorney will laugh in your face. If that is not the case, you left out EVERYTHING we need to know to give an opinion.
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Orignal From: the mortgage company is mortgage trust,also when i contact them they said they haven't done any thing wrong
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