Lastest Claims Accidents News

Posted by 70sfamily | 10:37:00 PM

Volvo Developing Technology for Avoiding Collisions With Animals
ROCKLIN, NJ – Volvo is developing a safety system that alerts the driver and automatically brakes (if the driver doesn't react) when animals are on the road in a vehicle's path.
Read more on Automotive Fleet

Michelle Obama to appear on television comedy
US FIRST Lady Michelle Obama is to appear on hit television comedy iCarly to help promote one of her pet causes. President Barack Obama's wife will play a cameo role to promote Joining Forces, which aims to boost support for military families.
Read more on Daily Dispatch

GALLERY: East London taken by floods
Schools shut down, people were evacuated and warnings about rising river levels issued as heavy rains continued in several provinces on Thursday.
Read more on Daily Dispatch

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