My boyfriend is in a no win situation with his ex girlfriend when it comes to their son. She is the custodial parent, and then two of them were never married. Since they split up almost 1 year ago, she will not let him see the child, and she won't even allow the child to contact him. She went as far as to have her phone number changed after telling him he will never be able to see his son again. There was never any violence or abuse in this situation, or any other legitimate reason why she should keep his child away from him. She is purely being spiteful and selfish. He's tried to petition the court for visitation but he has to retain a lawyer to do this, and the retainer fee is $ 3500 ( we can't afford that at all! ) Legal aid will not help him, because they are busy helping her instead to try and get MORE child support from him in this case! It's a no win for him! Why should ANY non custodial parent male or female have to pay child support on a child, when they can't even talk to them on the phone, let alone see them at all? Is there a way to fight a situation like this? We reside in Florida, I know laws vary from state to state.
Thanks for some of the tips guys! Just so you all know, he hasn't stopped paying his support at all, as we know that isn't the right thing to do. As some of you put it, two wrongs don't make a right! He's just extremely frustrated with the situation as most parents would be in a situation like this. I myself find it frustrating as well, because I have custody of my son who's father who rarely pays his support BUT I never keep my son from seeing his dad or contacting him! more thing someone commented below with "ask us this question when you have a kid with him" First off I don't think that comment was cute or funny....I can't speak for you, but I don't go around making babies with everyone I get into a relationship with, so don't comment when you don't have anything useful to offer!
Answer by Nora
go to stetson law college in st petersburg and hire an intern
Answer by jenny
Gotta get the attorney to get him into court in front of the judge.. The judge is the only one that can modify child support.
Answer by softaiil952000
You can not stop support. He can put in a request to see the judge that ordered the support and plead his cast to see the child. He does have the right to see him/her.
Answer by Big Man
Get full custody of YOUR child and you won't have to pay!
Regardless if he sees his child or not, he should still pay to raise him or her.
Answer by Tino {4}
Unless he was deemed a unfit parent or a danger to his son, she should not keep his son from him. Your BF is going to have to figure out a way to retain an attorney because his rights to see his kids are being violated. Try to find a lawyer that gives free initial consultations and start from there. I would be d@mned if some one will keep me from seeing my kids if I pay CS and am a good father to my kids.
ADD- And no, there is no way to stop paying child support unless he goes to court and fights for custody.
Answer by "TYRANT"
he still have to drop off the $ $ $ $ !
Answer by Sandi
she cant keep him from seeing the child if he was never abusive or neglectful of the child. if she continues the judge could give the father custody of the child but he has to go to court to do that. the judge will warn her the first time and if she still refuses he could fine her or jail her. your bf needs to just start calling attorneys and find one that is willing to help him and let him pay it off over a period of time. legal aid cant deny him just because she uses legal aid. he has the same rights as she does when it comes to legal aid.
Answer by jude
he doesn't really have to have an attorney my son in law filled out the paperwork himself when he had custody issues with his ex. when he went for the child support order he should have addressed visitation then.
Answer by Angel_Mom
Child Support and Visitation are two completely separate things...
A CHILD deserves emotional and financial support from BOTH parents... NO PARENT should ever use a child as a pawn against the other parent...
That being said... HE should file for a visitation hearing... You don't HAVE to have a lawyer in any state... You ALWAYS have the right to represent yourself... I would suggest checking into a local law school for help... Typically they can offer the services of a student who is backed by a lawyer.
In the meantime NEVER withhold child support... You are hurting the CHILD by doing that... The child continues to need a roof over his head, clothes on his back, and food on his plate...
How is hurting the CHILD going to help with a visitation case in the eyes of the court...
Two wrongs don't make a right, and a child suffering by BOTH parents means neither is worthy of their innocence...
Also, this isn't your child so you should stay out of the mix...
I don't need someone whispering in my ex's ear, and I won't let my fiance put his two cents in with the handling of my ex, child support, and visitation for my daughter...
My ex and I are amicable and my daughter has both parents emotionally and financially as she should... (I only deal with him the way I do for HER...)
Answer by Willie
SHE can not stop him from seeing his kid you can go to the court house and get all the paper work to file and file for full custody and make her pay you it can be done i did it i wouldn't stop tell i got what i wanted and the judge was pissed i filed ever month tell i got them and you can goggle a lot of info you need to know
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