If a key witness is subpoenaed to speak in court on behalf of the plaintiff who was hit by a drunk driver. Does the witness(s) receive any compensation money? I hear that the witness(s) would be GREATLY helping the plaintiff win his/her case against the defendant. There should be money in it for the witness as well, especially if the case has a good chance of winning.
Answer by Dmon
no, not normally because it is considered a sort of "civic duty"... if you are a witness for a friend and you help them, then maybe... but normally no... it could be considered bribery
Answer by towboat_50
Thats whats wrong with this country any more . no one halps out any more unless they get a pocket full of money
Answer by the_rattlesnake1978
No, a witnes does not receive compensation.
Answer by trying2bhelpful
They are required to reimburse you for gas and parking and maybe pay for lunch while you are there.
Not going to get rich, though.
Answer by pk200699
Nope other than a smaill witness fee in most states.
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