Hiya, I work in London in a small solicitor firm and I work for 3 solicitors (all male). I have been there nearly a year. Yesterday I wasnt feeling too good and was very queasy so last night I had severe diarrhoea and I still dont feel well today. I telephoned work today and spoke to one the guys I work with and they said that was fine etc. Then one of the other guys phoned me to ask me if I could come in this afternoon and if I did then I could have Monday off work. I telephoned him back to say I really didnt feel like getting the trains etc (it takes me an hour to get to work) as I felt really queasy and didnt want to be far from a toilet. He then replied by oh I was just saying just in case you felt better during the day you could come in but you dont have to feel obliged (his tone wasnt saying it in a nice way!) and hopefully I will not be sick on Monday. I feel so guilty for being sick today and I am starting to worry as on Monday I had booked a half day's holiday (afternoon) as my gran and aunt are coming to visit me and I am scared now in case they wont let me take it off. I was always under the impression that your employer wasnt allowed to phone and harass you to come into work when you are off sick. Sorry if this is all long winded. Can anyone advise me please on what I can do if they start being funny with me in work? (p.s. I am the only secretary there so there is no other secretary they can depend on but I still don't think they should be acting like this) Thanks, Emma
Answer by Baby #1 on 12/10/08
It sounds like he just wanted to convey that they need you really badly and unless you were absolutely unable to go in (which it sounds like you not) that they'd like you to. There's nothing wrong with that. It would be reasonable however for them to keep on Monday to make up for your lost work.
Answer by So to be
Man ain't it a bummer being missed
And being such a good worker that they need ya
Enough to ask if ya will be able to come in that afternoon
All employers I worked for after I retired from the Coast Guard when you called in sick
They didn't call and if they would of I bet it would of been the talk at coffee break the next day I'd of gone back to work
So ya must have something that they or he likes in what ya do at work
Maybe ya might be a thinking of asking for a little raise
In a Super nice Way
Answer by Epic Penguin
The simple thing is the guy that called was seeing if you felt better because he probably needed you. Either way, if you are off work sick and they shouldn't be coming there. If they call obsessively, like every few hours, it is harassment.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Orignal From: Is an employer allowed to telephone you when you are off work sick?
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