I bought some clothes for a friend who I trusted and thought she would pay me back because she works 2 jobs. I gained her trust as a friend for she was the only one who visited me when I was in the hospital. She refused to pay me back and I keep calling her but always getting excuses. So one day I told her I will take her to small claims court to either retrieve the clothes or sue for the total which came up to $ 580.00. Then she told me that she will tell the judge it was a gift. I filed the papers for small claims already, and I have no idea what I can do to win. I have receipts for the clothes. I also let her borrow my parking pass which she refuse to give back, but I got Parking Enforcement to retrieve it. So I got that back, Can I add that to my case? Please someone help me out here, I need some advice. She also called the Sheriff Department that I was harassing her with phone calls, and told me not to call or I will be charged. Please help a guy out who got played as a sucker.
Answer by J S
damn dude that sucks cuz you have no proof.
imo get a recorder and try to trick her into saying something that will incriminate her and use it in court
to win against a thug you gotta think like a thug
Answer by yayawho
Chalk the experience up as a lesson learned. I think you have a weak case without an acknowledgment or a written agreement that she would pay you back. I would write off the $ 580.00 on my taxes.
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