Had a car accident and filed against the other party in small claims court date is tomorrow. How do I present the evidence to the judge? Do I number the pictures? How do I explain the pictures in writing or verbally? Do I make the pictures 8x10? How do I present the rest if my evidence do I number them? Is there anything else I might need to know? "Please Help"

Answer by John
Although there is some formaility in small claims court, it is not the same as in distict or superior court. The judge will give you time to speak and present your evidence. I do not see any reason to number the pictures and they should be presented in a clear and chronological order. No 8x10's are needed unless you are trying to show something in such detail that it is the only way. Pictures printed off the computer on regular paper most likely will be fine. Simply put, stick to the facts of the case and be calm. Do not stray off the path of your claim with items that have no bearing and you should be ok. Since you did not put down any injuries or suing for any distress, ect., a simple property damage case is well,,,, quite simple. So, don't worry and it should all work out just fine.

Answer by margie r.
It would help to know if your pictures are of the scene to explain how the accident happened or of the damage to the car. If the pictures are of the scene it would help for you to make a large poster board of the intersection or whatever, number the pictures and correspond the numbers on the board so that it helps to make the perceptive clearer. A drawing of the scene of the accident and how it occurred will help if the pictures are of the damage that happened anyway. Make sure you have two or three estimates of how much it will cost to fix it. Don't interrupt the defendant, bring note paper to make notes of points you need to correct as he/she gives his testimony and then when its your turn to talk you can rebut the testimony.

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