He has come in first in the CPAC strawpoll two years in a row. But all the focus is still on Romney and Palin who don't win polls and have no chance getting the antiwar pro-gays rights independents/libertarians. This country is sick of people like Bush but yet Fox News keeps jamming them down our throats. (Mccain is a perfect example)
Answer by Huh
(I don't know. Why does it matter? I don't let a news outlet influence my vote, you shouldn't either.
Answer by Casey Forrest
when he wins the primaries.
Answer by Foghorn Returns
The Fed will not let them do it.
Answer by SOROS
Fox news - ultimately is controlled by me, and some other foreigners in Saudi Arabia and Australia.. So we do not like this Paul character and his isolationist ideas, and his ideas about money and that sort of thing. The purpose of Fox news is to keep you rabble divided and at on anothers throats.. not support an anti neo-colonial zealot with a gold fetish herr nincompoop!
Answer by United States Fan
He did come up first last year and this year. But you do realize that cpac is a pay for gain. They have to throw major money into it to do it. That is why Mike Huckabee did not go. Fox has been telling all night about Ron Paul. It is early in the election process so relax.
Answer by §§pecial Unicorn™
How many times of going to the voting booth will it take for you to vote for the person you want to win rather than who is cool at the moment? Fox has recognized him as a viable candidate. If you are only watching Hannity-you may be right. Hannity is too partisan and is an obvious Republican party advocate. But look at other commentators, and you will see something different. Not every commentator endorsed McCain. And I sure as he ll didn't vote for him.
Answer by Ultra Henry
Why don't you people get over this guy already - He's been running for president how long and hasn't been elected yet...Why do you stick by a proven loser ?
Answer by D C Maximus
Hey what happened to the beloved Sarah Palin. She is the only that can beat Obama. Trust me, do not
waste ur time with anyone else.
Answer by John W
College students pack the CPAC and distort the national opinion
Answer by Foreign Fraud
Anyone running against Obama on the Republican ticket is a shoe in.
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