All of our alleged representatives are very good politicians. The will tell you what you want to hear in order to get elected. All issues; gas prices, immigration, terrorism, ... become politicized in order to sway your vote. Lawyers did not write the constitution. Farmers did. What are Americans going to do about it? All of the money left over after an election goes into the politicians pocket. They make money after their term is up by consulting for companies selling to the government. Money controls them. They are good at it and will fool you if you do not pay attention.
Answer by shocktrooper342003
Get everyone you know to get out and VOTE
Answer by question_ahoy
More people watch prime-time TV than vote; whose fault is that? In other countries, people risk their lives to vote. Here, people won't vote when it's raining.
Overall, if you're worried about improper influence, I'd worry a lot more about the corporations than the lawyers.
Answer by wolfman
Let's start paying our elected officials less, say between $ 10.00 and $ 15.00 per hour and no perks. Pay their own insurance and for their own gas. I challenge any of them to live they way that they have me living. Not one of them no what real life is like!!!!!!! Want to straighten out everything, get real people into office!!!!! I better stop as I can go on and on.
Answer by srschaberg
The love of money....
Answer by oskeewow13
This is a very good and important question in a midst of idiotic questions usually posted on this website. My mind wrestled and struggled with the question for a long time. But I could not come up with any answer that doesn't outright limit some people's freedom.
Answer by Tank
Ah yes, let's put ordinary people in office. Ordinary, uneducated people who are essentially controlled by the media. "Ordinary people" only listen to what CNN or Fox News tells them. They don't understand most of the things they complain about. The educated people(which usually end up becoming rich) are much better at running a country. We would not be better off with ordinary people running the government. People considered Bush to be "the kind of guy I'd have a beer with" or as far as I'm concerned an "ordinary guy." That has worked wonders for our country.
And of the 56 framers of the Constitution, 32 were lawyers.
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