When I refused to give the solicitor money for families of dead policemen he swore at me. He said J----! Why doesn't anybody care any more?" I hung up, but I would like to report this incident. There was nothing recorded on the caller ID.

Answer by shawn c
its a scam never call back

Answer by ed_man118
You can report it to the police but they really don't have much of a way of tracing the call. I've tried this before.

Answer by DC Maximus
Sounds like a scammer who was trying to make you feel guilty. However, if you got the name of the organization then google them and you can find out who runs the show.

Answer by tonalc2
Google the name of the organization. If it is legit, it will have contact information.

Answer by Mari J
You call that swearing?

Answer by Jessica1188
I'm not sure, but I register all my numbers at the do not call website. You have to do it every year and it removes your numbers from the call lists. It's government sponsored so it's legit.

Answer by kyle
he said... J----??? j- what? jesus? that qualifies as swearing? man.. i guess i'm just utterly foul then with what i say sometimes. good luck reporting that. it's frivolous.

Answer by Don't tell my boss I'm on here
I have also had telemarketers being rude to me when I tell them I am not interested. If you don't have his company name or telephone number, there is not much else you can do unfortunately.

I reckon he probably witheld his number deliberately and you are not the first person he has been rude to.

Answer by butterfly8877
What's the swear word that starts with J??? Jesus, Juicy....?Try to block your number by going to http://www.ftc.gov/donotcall

Answer by Golden
here's how it works. some guy blew into town, rented an empty storefront, and a telephone bank, hired a dozen unemployed low-lifes to man the phones, and they started dialing. by the time you do anything the "company" will have ceased to exist.

screen your calls.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: How can I find the head of an organization to make a complaint. this morning I was sworn at by a phone solici?