i was riding at mouth faber, its like a park where the roads are very curvy and all, street lights went out that day and i couldnt see the road, you think if i could get any compensation by writing in the whoever is in charge of the park?
Answer by shilo9i
Probably not since it was your decision to ride you bike in low light conditions.
Answer by Whiplash
nope, my friend tore up his car because a barricade was removed from a construction area, nothin' not even an apology. they will tell you to take it up with your insurance
Answer by julvrug
Considering what ever you were riding should have had lights or you should not have been out riding in the first place, most likely you will not receive any compensation.
Answer by dannygirl_4
nope. they will say stay in well lit areas.
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Orignal From: could I ask for compensation if i got into an accident because the street lights are out?
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