I have agreed with my husband to pay half the divorce costs direct through the court without solicitors involved cause it is quite a simple divorce with no property, kids etc... I wanted him to pay but he kept refusing so i have finally agreed to pay half.. however i have sent the forms off the court and they want the fee.. i have tried over and over again to contact him to get his half of the money but he is ignoring my calls and my texts.
I am doing him a favour not going through solicitors, (it;s cheaper and quicker this way) so why is he being such an arse???
If i don't get the cash from him soon i will have no choice but to find a solicitor instead.

Answer by leiominala
wow unfortunatley this is proabably the reason why he is ur ex in the 1st place let him kno u r gunna geta solicitor

Answer by grammie
Have you stopped to think that maybe just maybe he doesn't want a divorce??

And you do what you have to do, He can't stop this forever.

Answer by Anthony A
He is not ready for it to end. that why he is avoiding you

Answer by εїз PebblesB2 εїз
bc hes probably broke or just doesnt care about the divorce right now. alot of men will think they can just end a marriage like a dating relationship.

im assuming and correct me if im wrong here, hes immature, selfish and lazy? thats probably why hes your soon to be exhusband

Answer by Jim M
The simple, and likely, answer is that he doesn't want to let you go.

Is hiring a solicitor cheaper than just paying the entire cost? It may not be. And the court might order him to pay half if you ask for it. Especially if you have a shred of evidence he agreed to. Here in the US they would make a man pay half no questions asked.

Answer by Ian G
Maybe he doesn't want a divorce .Just tell him if he doesn't respond you will have to apoint a solicitor which will involve him in more expense .

Answer by merlin
Games people play ??? Before you decide though , isn't it cheaper to pay the fee and hope he eventually man's up and pays rather than hire a solicitor ? Even with the aggravation it may be cheaper. That is what you want in the end.......

Answer by tt
If you want the divorce so bad, why don't you pay the other half and be done with it.

Answer by bill b
He's an a$ $ hole, he ignores you, and you're getting a divorce from him. If it's a simple divorce, with no custody, support, or property issues, you might be better off just paying your share by whatever means will move the divorce along. Sometimes it boils down to the old saying: it's your money or your life. Do what you need to do to stop having any reason to call or text him at all. Don't fall into the trap of having to keep contacting him. A couple of hundred dollars won't make or break you. Get out of games and get on with your new life.

Answer by Dream L
The probabilities are 2.

1) He really loves you and is waiting for an opportunity to get you back into life and he is struggling to find that option.

2) He is broke and does not have that sufficient money to pay it.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: Why is my ex ignoring me when i'm trying to discuss and sort out a divorce with him??