My auntie's landlord was going to take my auntie to court, so gave her all these letters from lawyers/solicitors and now that they've settled a house issue (involving putting up partitioning without permission)

The landlord is making my aunt pay for hiring the solicitor/lawyer person and for legal fees basically.

The partitioning as since been removed by my auntie, however there is some evidence it was there (small marks, drill holes) - my aunt IS paying for the damages but- -

DOES she have to pay for the landlords legal fees???????

Answer by happylondonerder
If the matter was heard at court the judgment would have included an Order regarding costs.

If the matter was settled out of court, the terms of the agreement would include details of responsibility for costs.

Answer by Connor
I can hardly understand what you are talking about.

Her landlord CHOSE to go to a lawyer. He can sue her for court fees IF she was found in the court of law to be "guilty" or in the wrong in court. However if she was never held legally responsible for anything she doesn't have to pay.
The fact that he's asking her to pay is outrageous and she better not pay them or she's letting people take advantage of her without taking the time to think about what she's doing.


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Orignal From: Landlord issue - Does my aunt have to pay legal fees the landlord paid for......?