make myself understood to the clients on the phone or what if i cant understand them?????
Its on volunteering basis
Answer by Doethineb
Perhaps you will not be manning a phone. Meanwhile, while not wishing to give offence, I have to express surprise that with so many people in the UK who are out of work this firm should be recruiting foreigners who have a language problem.
Answer by Tass
I agree with Doethine.
I have found it incredibly embarrassing and frustrating when talking to people who I cannot understand and vice verse.
As a manager in a Care Home, I was surprised at how many people rang for vacancies that I advertised and were calling on behalf of their partners because they cannot speak English.
The best was when the job centre sent an applicant for an interview and when I went to conduct the interview, they have brought an interpreter with them...I had to draw the line somewhere !!
LOL: - both answers get thumbs down>>> English not your first language I assume...tut tut. Please give your reasons if man enough.
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Orignal From: I might start in a solicitors office soon but im a foreigner, what if im no able to?
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