Will I be able to claim compensation?

Posted by 70sfamily | 9:58:00 PM

At school there is this thing we call "the nature trail" where you would balance on certain things. I go to a after school club and you can go on this also. I went on this log you walk across without holding onto anything and i tripped from a chip in it. I went to the hospital with a broken arm. What my parents are furious about is that i wasn't under any adult supervision at the time of the accident and when i went inside, they never phoned my mom or dad at all to tell them what happened and they found when they came to pick me up which was an hour and a half later. Information and advice will be appreciated because my mom is watching this program about compensation and she wants to now if i will be able to make a claim. This happened 4 years ago (sorry that it is in present tense.) Thank you
i was 9 when it happened possibly 8
I also hurt my self again on it months later. This was during school hours
I also hurt my self again on it months later. This was during school hours

Answer by Age of Reason
Nope when your parent's signed you up for the program they waived the right to sue.

Answer by StephenWeinstein
Even if compensation could have been claimed then, it is probably too late now. Most states have a time limit that is less than four years. If you want to be sure, ask a lawyer in the state where this happened what the "statute of limitations" is in that state for claims against schools.

Answer by mbrcatz
Claim compensation from WHOM? You cannot claim compensation. You have to SUE someone.

There is a statute of limitations, and in MOST states, even if you're going to sue, four years later it's too late. Most states limit it to two or three years.

Even so, if your school is a PUBLIC school, they're subject to governmental immunity laws, and are immune to lawsuits. So, no lawsuits, no claim, no money.

Only if your school is a private school, AND you live in a state that has a five or greater year statute of limitations, can you sue - and THEN, you'll have to prove that THEY were negligent - and you falling off a beam, is probably not going to do it.

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