pip--in florida covers you
personal injury means personal injury

Answer by regerugged
Your question is not clear. When you buy auto insurance, you should be buying liability insurance and medical payments coverage. The med pay coverage is for you and passengers in your vehicle. The liability insurance is to cover you if you injure someone else

In PA we have a priority of payments law. Workers compensation comes first, then auto med pay coverage, then health insurance. There is no double dipping.

Answer by wizjp
DMV requires a valid auto policy. If you have additional coverage, you can incorporate it into your insurance profile in most states.

Answer by J W
The personal injury insurance is not just for you. It is also for other people. If you cause a crash in which someone gets hurt, it will pay for their injuries.

Answer by john k
you have liabilty insurance which covers the people you hit.
and it has the limits that you purchased upto. then you can also cover the individuals in your car that get hurt as when the accident is your fault you are liable for there injuries also. And when your laying in the hospital you might want help with them medical bills, especially when your in an accident and the other person don't have insurance, then it really willn't matter who was at fault, as your still stuck with medical bills and then have to sue that person for all you can, if their at fault mean while the hopital wants payment as you received there services, so its your responsibilty for payment. Its hard to get the money from the Uninsured if he don't own anything.

Answer by whodad
because insurance is a state and a federal subsidized industry like cigarettes and alcohol, it's legalized extortion. Al Capone was the very first agent

Answer by Geoff C
becuase the medical insurance you have wont cover the passengers in your car or a car you hit. Plus some insurance companies require that auto insurance covers what they are required to cover and they will only cover anything that goes past the aouto insurnaces limit.

So if you have 200k in medical coverage under your auto insurance and the 200k gets used up then your regular health insurance kicks in.

The main reason is to cover passangers and the other dirver, but much like people who take on high risk sports their health insurance wont cover them while doing those things some insurance doesnt cover you from inuries while driving.

Take for instance. I am a scuba instructor. I have to carry special insurance so that if I am hurt while scuba diving it will cover the medical cost. My insurance wont cover it. (well I dont have insurance anymore becuase I am 100% disabled vet after being wounded in Iraq but when I had insurance it wouldnt cover a scuba accident

Answer by bill g
Arizona does I think

Answer by Lawnboy
If FL's Personal Injury Protection(PIP coverage) is anything like MA's, PIP only covers the occupants of your vehicle and pedestrians. The coverage is limited and only covers the injured party for medical expenses and some lost wages. The Personal Liability coverage covers the occupants of your vehicle and any other vehicle or pedestrian if you are at fault for an accident and the injured party wishes to pursue a claim beyond the medicals/lost wages, a bodily injury claim.

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Orignal From: Why do states require personal injury car insurance if someone already has personal insurance? double whammy?