I received my utilities through Con Edison. Through them, I enrolled in a green energy company over the phone.
I just moved, canceling my Con Edison account. I received an ETF letter from the green energy company asking for a significant cancellation fee.
They claim I entered upon a verbal contract for 24 months, however the recording they played to me in no way explicitly said that there was any sort of binding contract. They also did not mention a cancellation fee anywhere in the recording. Is it required they notify me of the? (Are there specific things/words that must be said for a verbal contract?)
Con Edison was my main service provider and they never required a contract. Does this take precedence? In fact, the apartment was temporary, and I never would have entered into a binding contract.
I would have two months left with the company according to the supposed contract terms, yet the fee they are charging is equivalent to an entire year of utilities!
Any advice?
Answer by Tim
Speak with a supervisor and explain that you were not aware there was any sort of contract and they would need to provide proof that you had agreed to it. You might have to keep going up the chain to deal with this.
Second, at most you should be responsible for the two month remaining to pay the rest of the contract term.
Answer by Ted
There is no such thing as a " verbal contract for 24 months". Most state laws specifically require any contract that will not be completed in one year to be in writing.
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Orignal From: What laws would allow me to appeal an early termination fee?
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