Here's my friend's story:
"I voluntary helped organise a festival with some other people (voluntary as well). The main organiser left and did not pay the rental. I am sued because they have my name on file. I did not sign anything for this contract.
It already cost me more than 1500$ up to this day for a pre-trial conference with a judge. The judge seemed to think that there was no point in continuing this in trial. The other party will continue."
End of the story for now.
She just spoke with her lawyer. He believes she will win the case.
Would you rather pay a lawyer?
- it will cost her 3,000$ or 4,000$ more in fees to go to court and settle this.
Would you pay the guy?
- If she pays the man his 3,000$ she can leave all this behind.
Keep in mind that she has absolutely nothing to do in this and she is not rich but does not want to pay a debt for somebody else.
Answer by threepureones
counter suit for everything, damage, emotion disress, lack of work, etc. Your in it anyway, who knows if they know u have a counter suit, maybe they may want to mediate.
Answer by Jim K
How did you get involved? You're not a party to whatever contract the rental agency had with the organizer. Something is missing here.
Answer by Rigo Barragan
If you are not the undersigned or the business of the undersigned on the contract, you are under no obligation to owe them anything whatsoever. Sounds like what they did was try to find anyone remotely assosciated with the problem and try to milk them dry.
Their lawsuit should be addressed to the organizer or his company. They can't target individual employees that easily, especially people who aren't even assosciated with the contract in any way.
I personally would go to court against them, and counter-sue them for lawyers fees, and lost wages by having to go to court. (Don't try for ridiculous things like trauma/distress). You won't "win" monies, but you hopefully would have the court punish them on general principle for frivolous lawsuits.
Answer by Amy S
If your organization has officers and you are one of the officers, there may be some personal liability attached to any contracting done on behalf of the organization... depends on if you're incorporated or not, and whether or not you are an officer of the organization.
If you're not an officer and there is nothing that shows you willfully failed to pay the rent, then your liability would be very small, ,if any. If, however, you're an officer of the organization and they can show a willfull failure to pay, then you may be personally liable for any damages due. You'd best consult with an attorney. A consultation won't cost much...
Also.. consider that the judge has already telegraphed his thoughts.. that there is no basis for the suit. A good attorney should be able to handle this in one response...
Answer by Catspaw
See if your state has a "no evidence" motion for summary judgment. You can file this at any time,and it just says that if you have evidence I owe this, put it up now, or lose your case. A regular Motion for summary judgment is usually done later but cold be a good option for you. You can also file a motion to dismiss, but those are rarely granted.
Answer by VanJohn ♫
I understand the sincerity of your question but the reality is that it cannot be competently answered here. There are just too many variables.
Answer by Art The Wise
That is harsh. You were screwed for now reason. Your name is not in the contract so how come your name came up? Where is the main organiser? She is the person responsible for all the crap. I wish I'd knew what to do.
Answer by thomnjo2
I don't know where you live and things are not always the same from one state to another.
Are you in a small claims court?
I live in New York and no way in hell, if it is as you describe it, could you be held accountable.
The only if'e thing is their having your name on record. How, in what capacity and why at all, is the question.
Why a judge would entertain it at all after a pre trial hearing is a mystery.
Also, why are your legal expenses so high. It sounds an awful lot like your lawyer is taking advantage of you. What cost fifteen hundred dollars? Your preliminary meeting and pre-trial?.
Are you living in Hollywood Hills?
From the sound of it yours should be a simple in and out case not a costly drawn out affair.
Be careful of your lawyer,maybe see more than one, get a few prices.
Good Luck.
Answer by
My advice is to speak to a lawyer and the best, most inexpensive way to do this is through Pre-Paid Legal Services. For more information visit the website below, and feel free to contact me through that site if you have further questions on how this service may be able to help you. I encourage you to find out what your rights and options are in this situation. If you sign up today you can ask your question tomorrow.
I wish you the best of luck.
Answer by donnys_bride
To help out in this case and for issues and problems that arise in the future, I would suggest a Pre Paid Legal plan. You can check out the plan with the link below.
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