I had a major argument with the owner of an Arco because he tried to make me buy something to obtain cash back, along with charging me the .45 transaction fee. Although unethical, no doubt, is this in accordance with Arco's policy? I have been to a thousand Arco's where all I had to do was pay the fee NOT buy something as well. He claims he could not process it without a purchase. I claim BS!
Answer by Wounded Duck
You are wrong!
Answer by americanfreeman
yes - they could make the ATM fee $ 100 if they wanted.
and you have a choice of not to use the ATM or not shop there
Answer by Wally Z
I don't go to ARCO because I don't believe in the transaction fee at all but it is legal. One point, the station owner gets very little of that transaction fee. ARCO and the company that supports the transaction gets almost all of it.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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