I have an ex wife sending letters to family members that appear to be coming from a law firm. I know that they are coming from her. Is it illegal for someone to be doing this?

Answer by LisaT
Absolutely. Lawyers are licensed by the state and thus impersonating one is against the law.

Answer by radium_ld_50
illegal? very very very much so.

Answer by corbeyelise
Yes, it's harassment and it's posing as a licensed professional. You can call the cops and they can probably set her straight.

Answer by JCS
Yes. Very illegal.

Answer by Gynolotrimena Lubriderma-Smith
Yes, if the letters state they contain "legal" matters and threats then she is breaking the law I believe. Best thing to do is to contact a lawyer and read them them the letters, they will be the best person to get advice from.

Answer by Mr. Hendricks
I think it is also considered mail fraud since she is using the post office to send them. That is a federal offence.

Answer by kja63
Mail fraud is a federal offense punishable by up to 10 years in a federal penitentiary.

Never, ever use the US mail to commit illegal acts of any kind. That woman, if what you say is true, is in a LOT of trouble.

Answer by MC Rom
Actually, it may not be. If I wrote you a letter and signed it My Name, JD, and the letter said "Hey, I'm a lawyer." that would be legal.

However, your ex is probably saying something in the letter that qualifies it as fraud or harassment. If she is writing negative things about you, demanding money, instructing them to take certain actions, or making threats of civil or criminal action, her actions could be characterized as fraud or harassment. However, you will have a hard time interesting the police in such a harmless annoyance.

--law student

Answer by Sherri H
First, if she is sending letters on letter-head, call the number on it. That will tell you if its a real law firm or not most law firms use a letter head that identify their firm, address, telephone number and a fax number if they have one. Not to mention it would more than likely list all attorneys in the firm. Second, call your local State's Attorney and ask them about this. The other point here is that if it is your ex and there is not really a law firm then I think it could be considered harassment. Harassment is against the law!!!

Answer by dennis
as i understand the law you can call yourself anything you want as long as you aren't attempting to do any thing illegal. that includes the attempt to defraud or do any thing illegal. my guess is she is probably doing something illegal. if you can prove it go to the police or your local D.A..

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Orignal From: Is it illegal or fraud to send someone a letter posing as a law firm/lawyer? I have an ex doing this to me.?