know a woman who accumulates losses and damages of 300,000 due to discrimination, harrassment, and breach of contract in education. Would you be the hero to work no win no fee and prepare the case at your best?
Answer by enzyme304
Sure, but I am not a lawyer, I teach high school.
Answer by awardsrme
any lawyer if she has proof should be able to tack on his fees. good luck.
Answer by natalies428
why are you guys talking about lawyers? shes a human rights activists. i'd do it. im into that type of thing.
Answer by jbzny1
I feel that a person should be able to live their life with no hindrance to their well being, or life, liberties, health, and pursuit if happiness. I'm an Environmental Scientist so I'll point out one case in my area that I have researched. It is the case of Solutia, PKA Monsanto, located in Anniston AL. This plant produced PCB's and throughout the life of the plant from 1930's to 1970's this company released PCB's, lead , and other toxins into the community, and to this day there are children being born with traces of PCB's in their bodies, high incidence of cancer, and other birth deficiencies. There was an initial 42 mil set on the case and still fighting in court, and the company I work for, as well as others are currently trying to clean up the area to make it less of a health risk for the community. If the attorney on the case doesn't win then he makes very little to no money, so although he stands to make a good bit if he wins the case, he is originally taking the case BC he can prove that the company was in the wrong. If someone does wrong to a person who never had a choice in the matter, whether it be because of where they live, sexual orientation, race, sex, or religion, I wouldn't care about getting paid I feel that doing right by someone else is its own reward, and any financial gain is secondary
Answer by Dana F
NO! discrimination, harrassment, and breach of contract has nothing to do with human rights. That's feelings man. Let me guess, she's a minority that thinks the only slaves of this planet are/were black and all black people should be paid for something they haven't even come close to experiencing. I've been laughed at, picked on and had promises broken, so what. Toughen up people, the gravy train is running out of rails.
Answer by Levi b
nope I wont
Answer by sweetestthingiveeverknownislam
U know what ................People are greedy and scandless, they dont care about anyone sept there self.whats that say about humanity. Besides if u dont have insurace and u need a orgin transplant u cant get one..why...I am donating them at the cost of my life, but, If you cant afford insurace then your just out of luck. Its funy how the world works. Wheres the advantage? Perhaps, society should evaulate what alienates this and permits it. But then it be an individual repsonsibility, and people are too greedy on both ends so u tell me if people really gave a hoot theyd solve the problem before it was a problem.
Answer by wishdelish
I'd do it pro-bono (fee-free)... but I'm not a lawyer.
If I was, I'd still do it for free. Why? Because if the case received good exposure, the publicity would lead to well-paying work. Media exposure is the best type of advertising you can get.
Answer by Kay G
Yes, I would be that passionate about human rights. However, I don't have the courage needed to follow through on something like this. I wish I did.
Answer by Petpoo
I would do it pro-bono.
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Orignal From: if you were a solicitor, would you be so passionate about human rights as to seek 300,000 for losses?
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