would i need to take to a solicitor, does it cost much how long do patents last etc, any information is welcome, only starting out business after leaving from school, thank you
Answer by andrew5544
Wait, What's the idea
Answer by leesa
Creative rights and ownership remain with the original inventor as soon as the content is recorded (i.e. written down or stored electronically) To file for a patent, you will need to pick up the necessary forms from your local patent office. You only need to fill out the appropriate forms, pay a small administration fee (which includes indicating that you've done a patent search for other similiar ideas/titles), then once the patent is approved, you'll receive a confirmation letter.
Answer by patti p
I have a patent and the best way to go about it, to be sure that everything is done correctly is to hire a patent attorney!!! it is costly, we paid almost 5,000.00 but this is the attorney doing everything, patent searches, filing, and seeing the whole thing thru.) Our patent is in force for 20yrs. I just paid my first maintenance fee of 450.00 and the best i can understand the fees are due every 4-5 yrs.
Our attorney was the best and i would not have done it any other way. if you are in Tenn, and would like, i could give you my attorney info.
if not in Tenn, then do alot of searching to find a reputable attorney.
Good luck
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