I'm the front office person and i find it awkward to turn down solicitors in person. Telemarketers are easier to turn down because you don't see them.
Answer by xthisiswarx3
put a no solicitors sign on the front door
Answer by Joy M
Say: I'm not interested in purchasing anything today. Thank you very much.
Answer by Bors
Why do you need to be polite? 'Go Away' or 'I'm going to call the police!' usually works.
Answer by javy
Be rude. They are being rude by showing up at your job.
Answer by dukalink6000
Advise them to call it in, as the person who does that only takes calls.
Answer by sassygirl
get a no solicitor sign and smile and just point to it.
Answer by chlobug26
Just say "im sorry we dont allow solicitors and my boss would have my a$ $ if I let you come in here."
Answer by evillyn
Put a sign on the door that says no soliciting.
Answer by Marie M
I have to keep my job and you have to turn around and leave thank u very much
Answer by JAK
Tell them before they start the sales pitch. They will be glad that you didn't waiste their time by simply telling them that you aren't interested up front.
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