you employ a solicitor to sort out your finances, and then they take it all off you in fees! £130 f**kin quid an hour, they charge you for a bloody phone call for gods sake, its so S**t, why did i bother?
Answer by Sponge-Ted Scotch-Pants
Hell, in NY....They get $ 5000 an hour !
Oh...You meant a lawyer? I thought you were talking about prostitutes....
Sorry, uh...Nevermind.
Elliot Spitzer, past Governor of NY
Answer by laughter_every_day
lawyers, plumber, electricians and everyone else charges what the market will bear. Your local shop does not fix the price of milk based on what you can afford, but on the cost plus as much profit as the market will tolerate before shoppers go elsewhere. Professional athletes also negotiate contracts not based on what they are "worth" in the abstract, but based on how much the customer is willing to pay.
Answer by yurkokyiv15
Next time better pay your money to a prostitute, at least she has to do some effort to make money
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Orignal From: how can solicitors justify £130 an hour?
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