from whiplash just a sore back, ive since had a call from a solicitor through my insurance company regards making a claim, am i wasting my time doing this or should i go for it?
Answer by Metal
Go for it. My brother got $ 28,000 from an incident like yours.
Answer by just_me
I'm not sure of how UK insurance companies work, but here in the US, I've never heard of an insurance attorney getting involved in a case unless it is going to court. Make sure this guy is really from the insurance company before you speak to him.
Answer by dan Keer
hi naomi just go for it, you have nothing to lose, if they ask for money dont do it. most companys do a no win no fee. got me £3k for a little bump and small case of whiplash. Free money - why not - nothing to lose
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Orignal From: Hi, A week ago i was in a car accident where anoher person drove up and smashed into my car, ive not suffered?
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