My son broke his leg at school recently during physical education class. The teachers neglected his injury. He was in so much pain and instead of making a nurse at school come to see him at the place of the injury, or calling an ambulance, they decided to carry him to the school nurses room, where he was screaming in pain until i got called and urgently picked him up. we went to the hospital and he was diagnosed with a broken leg. will i be able to claim compensation for this neglect? and if so , how do i go about claiming? thankyou
Answer by cps
How is that neglect if they rushed him to the nurses station? People get hurt, that's life. We can't follow the directions of the lawyers all over the tube to call them as soon as we injure ourselves. Please take care of your son and stop taking the time to plot and plan against these teachers (who don't make much money to begin with!)
Answer by David R
I think you will have a hard time claiming for neglect, since they brought him to the nurses office. They called you and the situation was taken care of. If you didn't have insurance you could have been stuck with a big ambulance bill. Just get the school to pay your medical bill. They should do that without an attorney being involved, but if they won't pay it, then think about getting an attorney. If you have good insurance I would just forget it.
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Orignal From: HELP! I want to claim compensation for my sons injury at school. Where is the best place to phone for advice?
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