I was in a car accident a couple days ago and have no insurance. The cops came, made a report, cited me, etc.
Now, I was wondering if I can make a claim against his insurance company for the damages to my vehicle. It was 100% his fault.
Or do you have to have insurance to make that claim?
Answer by Cathy C
Erm, it's illegal to drive without insurance, so I wouldn't really be posting this on the internet right now...
Answer by Solar Achievers
If it was his fault, you should be able to file a claim.
Answer by Al
If it was his fault and he has insurance then you should contact his insurance company
Answer by Rachael S
I think there still needs to be insurance on your car.
Only thinking this because, I know that I have fully comp insurance, but if I drive a car which has no insurance on it, and have a accident in it, I would not be covered.
Because you have no insurance, the other party is going to have to claim off their own insurance for damages, I dont think you will be able to. Even if is it 100% his fault, he is still going to be the one paying for it by claiming on his own.
Answer by Accordman1
in this situation what matters most is if the other driver was cited for causing the accident. if he was then in the insurance and cops eyes it was 100% his fault. in that case you would need to contact his insurance company and have them take care of this.
as for you get insurance. if you have an accident with no insurance and someone gets hurt you will lose everything you have until the damages are paid off. that just doesn't seem like it is worth saving a few bucks on insurance at the moment.
Answer by robin y
anyone who drives without insurance should be locked up,, there is no excuse for it
Answer by Entidtil
Of course you should make a claim Filing a claim has nothing to do with you having insurance or not having insurance.
Answer by car253
It depends on what state your in.
In CA, yes you should make a claim. It doesn't matter if you had insurance or not. It is the other guys fault and his insurance company will still pay for your damages.
Answer by JetDoc
If the case were to go to court, you would be held responsible for the accident because you were driving illegally. Here's how it works...
Since it was illegal for you to drive without insurance, then you should not have been where you were, and if you had not been there, the accident would not have occurred. Therefore, it's all your fault and you will have to pay for the other guy's damages as well as your own.
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