1 year after getting a few hundred dollars from my insurance company the othe party is now suing me in small claims court claiming they were injured and for pain & suffering.

my insurance company already denied their medical bills claim. can i call the suing party and ask them to provide me with evidence of this injury ? like medical bills , x-rays, doctor reports etc ?

am i legally allowed to do so and are they required to give me this evidence before court hearing ?

Answer by steven c
Yes you can.

Answer by nosdda
Your insurers should deal with any claim in court against you, and you can ask for any evidence. The court should actually send you a copy of any claim against you and include full details of the claim.

Answer by Barry C
You already deferred to your insurance to defend any claims. Let them know about it.

Surely the suit will get tossed anyway.

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Orignal From: Can i call & ask for proof/evidence from the party suing me in small claims court over injury in car accident?