Theory of evolution claims the existence of this marvelous world is result of accidents, all species of living forms the results of genetic mistakes. Is that not ridiculous? Is that not blind faith? Can a watch, which is much simpler than the world, exist by accidents? Why don't people use common sense, by locking themselves in materialistic presupposition?
Answer by J.P.
"Theory of evolution claims the existence of this marvelous world is result of accidents,"
No, it doesn't. Nice strawman.
Mutation is not a 'mistake' or 'accident'. It is simply an error.
There is a difference.
Answer by Secular Penguinist
Where in the theory does it state that biological diversity is the result of accidents and mistakes?
Answer by Purportedly Magic Jew
What scientists actually postulate, and they postulate this with respect to every observable phenomenon in the universe, is that well defined and testable mechanisms are responsible. Mechanisms that are amenable to empirical test and understanding, and in many cases, amenable to the development of a quantitative theory. Two such quantitative theories, namely general relativity and quantum electrodynamics, are in accord with observational reality to fifteen decimal places. As an aside, when someone can point to an instance of mythology producing something this useful, the critical thinkers will sit up and take notice, and not before.
Aside from the fact that this argument fails spectacularly because artefacts arising from known manufacturing processes are qualitatively different from the rest of the world, and said artefacts are not self-replicating entities, the entire "design" argument fails for one very important reason. Propagandists for mythology have never presented a proper, rigorous means of testing for "design", and for that matter, don't even understand what is needed in order to provide genuine evidence for "design". The fatuous "it looks designed to me, therefore my magic man did it" argument will, once again, receive the piranha treatment if you make the mistake of deploying it here. Make no mistake, this is nothing more than the typical supernaturalist elevation of ignorance to the level of a metaphysic. The "design" argument consists of nothing more than "I can't imagine how a natural process could have achieved X, therefore no natural process could have achieved X, therefore magic man did it". Learn once and for all that reality is not only under no obligation whatsoever to pander to this sort of ignorance and wishful thinking, all too frequently, it sticks the middle finger to said ignorance and wishful thinking.
Answer by Bolide ⌡Self Appointed Pastor⌠
Slaying a strawman of one's own making is fatuous.
It is also bearing false witness.
Answer by krazzyasswhiteboi
Evolution has nothing to do with the formation of the Earth. The "accidents" you speak of are not really accidents. The genetic mutations stick and will pass on to the organisms offspring, thus the advantageous traits usually stick around. This starts the process of natural selection which is not an "accident" it is actually inevitable.
Btw, the watchmaker argument is not valid, the watch is not a living thing, thus it CAN'T evolve.
Answer by T
Thats why we call it mystery.
Answer by SOCCER FAN
This so called marvelous world that has kids dying of hunger, WORLD HUNGER, aids, malaria, corrupt govt. officials, communist, terroism, suicide, murders, rapes, thievry, REVENGE and much much more IS TRULY MARVELOUS??
What Sh*t are you smoking?
Answer by Hvhjvhj Jhvjhvjhv
you will probably think im simply trying to offend you, but the truth is that i genuinely believe that you are too stupid to make the effort explaining to you exactly where you have gone wrong.
you have the internet at your fingertips, and you still have no idea what evolution is.
Answer by jorluke
nope. thats stupid and shows your hand as clingy to faith.
Big words and mock objectionality doesn't equal rationale.
Its systems constantly in competition, things making the cut, things falling behind and rotting. The minor mutations (which every living thing is) from a central a-typical pattern perform poorly or superior in a competetive environment. Over hundreds of thousands of years many things change and different forms of life branch out to become entirely seperate species. rythmically generation by generation.
Mankind is special only in our overwhelming capacity to adapt and superceed the flow of nature, though it still dwells within us. We are the only species to concieve of God, so with all vanity declare we were made in God's image.
Its even construable intelligent life is going to be the ultimate evolution on any world.
'Nature is a battle field'. - Darwin
the accidents you speak of are every feature of every living thing currently alive, everything that was and will be (of living tissue with genetic heritage).
Answer by Gorgeoustx Elect Bill White 2010
Like "goddidit" makes more sense. LOL!!!!!
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