in other words, are they solicitors or regular people?
when you see them on caller ID.

Answer by magicfreak167
They are almost always solicitors. Very rarely are they regular ppl.

Answer by Mad Mex
They can be either. Many solicitors used lines with blocked ids.

Almost every mobile phone has the capability to block the caller id number and when doing a call like that it will appear as private.

In land lines there is also a feature to block the caller id usually sent during the call.

Calls coming from outside the US sometimes appear as private, due to incompatibilities on the systems and because of the length of the number.

So in summary it can be either.

Answer by my_loyal_subjects
It can be both, most of the time it is solicitors

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: Are private numbers usually business or personal numbers?