Does anyone have experience with Worker's Compensation claims and what repairs they are required to make to your home before discharging you from a hospital? They made some repairs but not enough. There is not a shower and toilet that is accessable by someone in wheelchair. The bathroom is only 26" wide. Anyone?
Answer by M. G
Each case is different - you should contact the WC insurance co. and check what their policy covers. If it doesn't sound like what you were told to expect, get in contact with the Labor office dealing with your case.
I know it can be very frustrating ... hang in there :)
Answer by Madkins007
You mean home mods? The rule of thumb is they will fund the bare minimum. Get a good case worker and a good therapist on your side- but if you can transfer, or use a transfer pole, etc., they probably won't pay for much.
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Orignal From: Anyone have experience with worker's compensation and what repairs they are required to make before discharge?
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