Yesterday someone rear ended my car ,its totally her fault.i got her DL and insurance details.i forgot to take down the car reg number. i checked with her insurance.But they said its not that car they are covering.What is my next step? i don't want to go thru my insurance ,as i have to pay 500$ dedutible.i am so tired of spending money for mistakes that are not mine
Answer by Kobe
try see this site
maybe it can help you get the answers...
try it...;)
Answer by Lawnboy & Luna
Try to contact the other person, and find out what company insures the vehicle. Perhaps she was not the owner of the vehicle, and forgot to mention it. If she does not respond, you can file a small claims action.
However, if I were you, go through your own insurance. You will have to pay the deductible assuming your policy does not waive the deductible if you are not at fault, and they will subrogate for what they paid you and the deductible.
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Orignal From: Accident Claim?
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