What can I do with a Law Degree other than be a trial lawyer?
I'm about to get my history degree, and law school is sounding more and more appealing, but I really don't want to be a lawyer. What else can I do with a law degree?

Answer by mailaccount63
Please be aware of what you are proposing on getting yourself into. Please do more research first.

Reminder: We are in a World-wide Recession.

Warning> Jobs in the field of Law are drying up fast!! This is just not a good field to invest time and/or money into. This is a SHRINKING, crumbling, and dying vocational field. Many reasons. Many people today (mistakenly) think they can do their own legal work, thanks to the Internet. Also, we simply already have way too many Legal Professionals - we have an absolute glut!! ("Legal Professionals" includes, but is not limited to: Attorneys/Lawyers, Paralegals, Legal Assistants, Legal Secretaries, Bailiffs, Court Reporters, etc, etc)

Employers (usually law firms) in the field of Law today want employees with degrees from traditional colleges/universities. Those "certificates" you see advertised aren't worth the paper they are printed on - they are generally scams. (I found this out the hard way.)

Cost of law school to be lawyer, approx $ 150,000+.
Be prepared to take on a lot of debt.

Even if you finish law school, you won't be able to find a job when you are done. Since this vocational field is shrinking, many new attorneys/lawyers are, themselves, having to work "down" as Paralegals, Legal Assistants, Legal Secretaries, Bailiffs, Court Reporters, etc, etc, to simply try to keep some of their bills paid <
Now... the law schools know this, but they won't tell you the truth >that the job market/economy is just saturated with way too many Legal Professionals. Instead the schools will feed you a fairytale and will lie to you. The root of the problem is we have too many law schools. We are in a recession, and the schools are fighting for their own survival - they will tell students anything to get to the students' money. (Which is why they won't tell you the truth about the job market for the field of Law.) And these schools continue to recruit and churn out even more graduates.............

If you don't believe me, then just do a search here on Yahoo Answers to see what other posters are saying about the current status of the field of Law. Call some local law firms - ask to speak to the Manager of Human Resources - ask them if they are hiring; ask them what they think about job availability in the field of Law..................

In the book "So You Want to be a Lawyer?" by Marianne Calabrese and Susanne Calabrese (ISBN 0-88391-136-1): "The United States has more lawyers than any other country in the world. About 38,000 students graduate >each year< from the 200+ law schools in the United States. The competition is very keen for jobs and clients." - Even Associate Justice Antonin Scalia (who served on the U.s. Supreme Court for more than 20 years) says there are too many lawyers. (9/14/2008)

Check out these websites: http://informeddecisionmaking.blogspot.com
(A link to a website does not constitute endorsement.)

If you want a job when you are done with your studies, consider and look into the fields of >>>Healthcare or Information Technology! I spoke to a career counselor from Jobs and Family Services, and HE told me that these areas are where the jobs are, and future job availability! and scholarships!

Good luck.

(This is based on my current knowledge, information, belief, and life experiences. This was intended as personal opinion, and not intended to be used as legal advice. Please be careful and do your research.)

Answer by CatLaw
Please if you do not want to be a lawyer, if law is not your passion, if you do not feel a real calling to law --- then please, please do not go to law school. Law school is very hard.

Besides costing around 6-figures, it is a brutal method of teaching, much like the way the military recruits are yelled at during basic training and then taught to do a task the military way. Only in law school the disrespect, the hazing, does not end until graduation. Once out of law school you realize that you were not taught how to be a lawyer, only the theory of the law. Great! Theory does not get clients or win cases.

FYI just because a person has a law degree and passes the 2 day bar exam to be a licensed attorney, does not mean that they will ever be involved in a trial. Many attorneys go their entire career without ever stepping into a courtroom.

You need to do some research on being a lawyer. I suggest you go to the LSAT website which has information on the profession at http://www.lsat.org/ and the American Bar Association website at http://www.abanet.org/

Again, if you do not have a legitimate calling to be a lawyer, do not clog up the law school and waste your time. Our profession is about 50% of unhappy lawyers who cannot get jobs. The rest of us fight the public perception that we make tons of money (we don't) and everything is just like on TV (it isn't).

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