Been diagnose with arthritis in both knees (bone to bone), as a result of severe loss of cartilage damage. Never had no injuries prior, coming into the military.Its well documented in my medical records and i have a written statement from a ortho surgeon in the navy, Stating the cause,results and what needs to be done to both knees. Any veterans or connection to the same injuries i have. What do you think my % will be, once i separate from the military.THANK YOU!

Answer by The Ghost of Stan Darsh V
You can use Google to look up the diagnostic codes for your knees. The rating on each knee will depend on the severity. Find the code for athritic knee and you can look at what you MIGHT get.

Make a copy of your SMR's before you turn them in when you're checking out.

Answer by 65k
Your percentage is anyones guess. Just make sure you document EVERYTHING and EXPLAIN in HORRID DETAIL HOW IT EFFECTS YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE and also have others like a set up caretaker write what they have to do to help you on a day to day basis. You will have to be very strong on your statements, consistent and get a letter from the military doctor, even if they dont like to do that, demand it nicely and get that to send into the VA. Be persistent, you have to take your percentage, it will not be given to you.
This is good advice. I know what I am talking about completely on this subject.
Good Luck

Answer by clubmed
mike, again use the can claim each knee separately, however in due time the rating will be combined into one. the CFR explains how they develop percentages for each injury or disability. for get diagnosed on five separate injuries, the VA could give you an overall rating of 60% but with their genius math calculations, they will give you a compensation rating of 50%. so, take things into stride and get with a service officer when you get out and have all of your injuries lined up. however, do not bombard the medical review board with several conditions. submit two to three claims and wait for the decision. then submit a couple of more. the process is very time consuming and exhausting. be patient and take things one step at a time. i slammed the VA with so many claims and records and it has taken almost a year for them to come up with the ratings. matter of fact, i am still in limbo waiting for a decision.

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