I had to spend 3 weeks in intensive care and a total of 7 weeks in hospital. I had only given birth to my first child 7 weeks before.
I had to spend 3 weeks in intensive care and a total of 7 weeks in hospital. I had only given birth to my first child 7 weeks before. The accident was totally the other driver's fault and he has admitted it. My solicitor is working on the case for me but I don't know how much money to expect.
Answer by dragon1761
i think it depends on how much you make. For instance if you get paid like 200 dollars a day then multiply the days you cant work. Also add in the medical visits.Maybe add in for transportation fee by other people, and a caretaker. That is pretty much what you should expect to get.However, this is America, the judges are stupid. You might be in luck.
Answer by G-man 1
You do have a lawyer I hope, that is the first thing to do, a good one. You have a lot of pain and suffering there so the amount will be large I`m guessing but the lawyers know more about this.There is no dollar amount anyone here can put on something like that here on this site. You also may still have medical problems down the road from this so no one knows. And you did not say if the crash was your fault, there fault or a percentage of both at fault so see what the lawyers say. Good Luck.
Answer by ANF
If it was your fault then nothing. If it was not your fault then get a good solicitor on the case and he will get you a good payout.
Answer by Luna & Lawnboy
You do not provide nearly enough info. How much are the medicals? What kind of fractures? Did they require surgery? Are you in therapy? Are you paralyzed because of the neck fracture? What are your permanency ratings and loss of function ratings?
Suggest you ask your attorney. Nobody here can give you an answer without having the proper documentation available for review.
Hopefully the other party had some very high policy limits.
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