I have lost two teeth as a result of dental negligence. The dentist says they are not responsible for my complaint. However, her ignorance of my complaint a year ago led to a very bad infection that the tooth could never been saved anymore. I went to another dentist and he said the x-ray shows the cause of tooth loss, which should have been detected a year ago when I first complained. I was explained by a dental solicitor that I don't have to pay either the case win or lose. Is this scheme trust worthy? Is there any hidden traps in it? I would appreciate it if anybody could answer.

Answer by imadentist
I'll begin my answer by disclosing that I'm a dentist.

Here is my take. Deal with the first dentist in writing. Don't be threatening - and give him/her the chance to respond.

If you don't like that response - then I will tell you that most legal responses amount to very little in the way of financial settlement. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't purse it - just realize that every dentist in your state has malpractice insurance.

Those companies are notoriously aggressive in defending the dentist. They have the combined resourses to take on most claims - and they know where the break even point is on every case.

No...they don't win everytime. Yes, they will go over your dental history with a fine tooth comb. Did you follow every bit of advice given to you by the dentist in question? Did you keep your regular cleanings? Did you go once - then not return for treatment?

Again - you might be able to confidently answer each one of those questions. I can tell you though...even if you have an air tight case - the best you will do is get it fixed at no cost. Any damages you might bring are usually nominal - and after your attorney gets his/her cut...you will find that you spent a lot of time for a little bit of money.

Good luck!

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Orignal From: Does anyone know about Dental Negligence no win no fee claim? Is it really no fee? Is safe to use the service?