I keep hearing people claim that big insurance put on this big campaign against Obamacare, but I never once saw, or heard, a single ad against Obamacare. I did however, see many ads in support of Obamacare paid for by groups, such as the AARP, who just happen to be a major solicitor for big insurance companies like United Healthcare.
Answer by Dem Spin
They did it behind front companies so as to try to hide.
Millions were spent and ads ran up until Sunday night.
Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, etc
Answer by What did Obama do in Pakistan?
AARP only helped Obama because Obama is going to remove generic drugs- so we all have to pay more for drugs now. Deals and more deals. The left only like profits when its given to them.
No other insurance companie supported Obamacare- Obama is taking away their profits- why would they?
Answer by Luke
Yes, mine Humana, did some time back, and that's why i still have them.
AARP must be feeling real stupid about now, as most will be.
Answer by The Patriot
No, but the link below goes into the money they have spent fighting the reforms. If you e-mail the journalist, they will be able to help.
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Orignal From: Can anyone name an insurance company that campaigned against Obamacare?
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